Junior Rangers in the German federal state of Brandenburg learn about diversity on several levels: as species and habitat diversity, but also as diversity among themselves and how it contributes to joint solutions and functioning democracy. Moritz Detel was a… Read More
Junior Rangers in NP Bavarian Forest: tips and experiences from 25 years
It has received several awards and is now a proud 25 years old: the Junior Ranger Programme of the Bavarian Forest National Park. With years of experience in this hands-on form of environmental education with children, the rangers behind this… Read More
“Recognition of the ranger profession would improve public perception”
Looking back on the pandemic, Yannick Bucher also sees hope for the future of ranger work in Switzerland. As a member of the board of Swiss Rangers, he is confident that the increased attention and appreciation of ranger services can… Read More
“We need to get back into international exchange on pressing issues”
🇬🇧​🇩🇪 The issues for rangers in Europe are pressing, while exchange and learning from each other has been difficult recently due to the pandemic. This is where the European Ranger Federation comes in with its international train-the-trainer camp “Biodiversity on… Read More
Junior Ranger at Albanian NP Divjakë-Karavasta
At the lagoon of Divjakë-Karavasta NP there is running a JR-program established by Ervin Allushi in cooperation with the Albanian Ranger Association and the Twinning program with Swiss Rangers and ERF. Here is his report. Junior Ranger helps rangers care… Read More
Welcome to new Junior Rangers on the Azores Islands
The Portuguese Ranger Association and the regional government of the Azores islands have recently established a new Junior Ranger program. Congratulations to all, who helped to make this possible. This is a great example of the collaboration between the Portuguese… Read More