February also had its ranger stories: We look at Portugal, where rangers rescued a flamingo that was in danger of starving to death because it had swallowed a fishing line. Lifesavers, habitat and species conservationists, environmental educators and more: It’s all of your stories from daily ranger work we want to share to show why rangers deserve all the support of the society – especially the little stories from daily work.
For the Italian ranger Armando Di Marino most important part of this is engaging the youngs in conservation via environmental education, especially with storytelling. Meanwhile, the Shifting Baseline Syndrome has become part of the day-to-day-work of Irish ranger Margaux Pierrel: After her research trip on this, she keeps raising awareness about how knowledge of the former state of nature is lost over the generations – and thus the awareness of what species diversity was actually the baseline of conservation generations ago. As a result conservation goals are becoming increasingly unambitious.

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