In the July newsletter we look back on a World Ranger Day (WRD) month in which you rangers showed us for our WRD countdown how much the international ranger network stands together. The many deaths of rangers from all over the world who died during service over the past year show just how necessary this is.
Where there is a lack of equipment, the right training and personnel, rangering is unfortunately still life-threatening in many parts of the world. The exchange between rangers cannot solve everything, but it can help to support each other with knowledge, mental support and sometimes also equipment, thus contributing to the safety and health of fellow rangers. For the donors in our Ranger Leafs sponsorship program, this exchange is worth hard cash, as you can read in our newsletter. Also: How a volunteer ranger from Moldova is doing groundwork to raise environmental awareness among the population and how a Spanish ranger is setting a milestone for biodiversity in his region with the reintroduction of ospreys.

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