No less than three new members have joined the European Ranger Federation in the course of the past year: Join us in welcoming the rangers from Bulgaria, Malta and Luxembourg to our network. A strong signal for the common goal to speak with one voice for the protection of our natural treasures.
When the European Ranger Federation was founded in 2017, it did so with the overarching goal of acting as the common voice of protected areas towards politics and the public.
In particular, the ERF focuses on the central role of the rangers, on the one hand making it more visible to the public, but on the other hand also supporting them through knowledge building and networking within the European Ranger Family. Because now it is up to Europe’s rangers to defend our last natural treasures.
We, the Board of ERF, are therefore particularly pleased about every new member as part of the European Ranger Community – and thus also part of the International Ranger Family of our umbrella organization, the International Ranger Federation.
In the past few months, three new ranger associations have joined us and we would like to welcome them very warmly to our circle:

- Öewersauer Nature Park from Luxembourg
- Malta Ranger Unit
- National Protected Areas Control Agency from Bulgaria, who have already introduced themselves in our interview.
It is a great honor for us to join now 38 international ranger and conservation associations in supporting European rangers in their daily work for the natural areas and biodiversity around us.
Your work, dear rangers, is more important today than ever!
The Board of the European Ranger Federation