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XXIII. Annual Croatian Rangers Seminar

Eko-kampus Krka Puljane, Croatia (Local Name: Hrvatska)

The Croatian Ranger Association informs their fellow European rangers about the XXIII. Annual Croatian Rangers seminar organized by the Ministry of Economy and Sustainable Development - Institute for Environmental and Nature Protection and Krka National Park Public Institution as host… Read More

29th Symposium of the German Naturwacht

Nationalpark Müritz Bürgersaal Waren, Waren, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Deutschland

  The 29th nationwide symposium of the German Bundesverband Naturwacht (Federal Association of Nature Guards) will be held on the topic of   CLIMATE PROTECTION IN RANGER WORK from 13 to 15 March 2024 in Müritz National Park   Check… Read More