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Force for Nature: Enabling Trust between Rangers & Communities

Force for Nature invites to its next Digital Campfire, a ranger specific working series: Enabling Trust between Rangers & Communities Presented by: Sue Stolton and Hannah Timmins from Equilibrium Research Start time: 8:00 EST, 13:00 GMT, 21:00 SGP Please click… Read More

Force for Nature: Protected Area Project Management

Force for Nature invites to its next Digital Campfire, a ranger specific working series: Protected Area Project Management Presented by Wildteam's Katie Thompson Start time: 8:00 EST, 13:00 GMT, 21:00 SGT   Discover how Project Management can help. Wildlife Conservation's… Read More

Online training “Dogs for Conservation”

  Wesley Visscher, Detection specialist and owner of Scent Imprint Conservation Dogs, will present on conservation dogs with following topics: Animal monitoring program (endangered species, invasive species or plants); Wildlife protection around national parks (Africa and South Asia); Tracking: Wildlife… Read More

Drone Utilisation Training for Rangers

Cardenal Ilundain, 28 Seville Spain

The Junta de Andalucía invites field rangers to take part in the training on DRONE UTILISATION in Seville, Spain. The training starts on 6 March as arrival day with four training days from 7 to 10 March. DOWNLOAD FLYER HERE… Read More

Nature Interpretation Course in Denmark

Frederikshavn Kommune Skovhusvej 30, Frederikshavn, Denmark

The Danish Ranger association invites the ranger community to participate in the NATURE INTERPRETATION COURSE IN DENMARK on environmental education. Members from The Danish Ranger association will show and perhaps increase abilities in interpretation and give you new tools in… Read More

Online training: Digital Tools for Rangers


  Join us for our next Online Training: Digital tools are more and more part of the ranger equipment out in the field. With good reason: Digitization can make a huge difference, whether in environmental education, fighting poaching or illegal… Read More

K9 Training: Dogs for Conservation

Montserrat Natural Park , Spain

  We are pleased to invite you as rangers of our member organisations to our first K9 training in cooperation with the Generalitat de Catalunya. The four days of training will focus on the use of dogs for nature conservation,… Read More

Webinar: Rangers & Mental Health,%22Oid%22:%2292cf948f-2eca-476c-af58-5380156e64bc%22%7D

  The Thin Green Line Foundation UK (TGLF UK), in collaboration with the National Trust UK and us, the European Ranger Federation, invites all fellow rangers to participate in the webinar   PROTECTING NATURE'S PROTECTORS: RANGERS AND MENTAL HEALTH Fri… Read More