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Carpathian Day: „Our identity lies in our heritage“

Carpathian Countries

Celebrate Carpathian Day with us! Take part with your own events on this year's focus topic ‘Our identity lies in our heritage’: You can find out how to do this on the website of the organising organisation, the Carpathian Convention.… Read More

SMART Training for Rangers

Congress Centre of Ss. Cyril and Methodius University Ohrid, North Macedonia

  We are pleased to invite you as rangers and conservation managers of our member organisations to our training on the Spatial Monitoring And Reporting Tool (SMART) in cooperation with the SMART Partnership in North Macedonia. The five days of… Read More

IRF World Ranger Congress 2024 in France

Belambra Business Club on Giens Peninsula, Hyères Presqu'Ile de Giens 406 avenue de l'Esterel 83400 Hyères-les-Palmiers, Hyères, Frankreich

IRF and Gardes Nature de France will be hosting the 10th World Ranger Congress on the topic "Empowering Rangers Globally to meet the 30 x 30 Challenge". The WRC will take place in Hyères, France, hosted by Gardes Nature de… Read More

2025 International Ranger Awards

Hosted by IUCN and the IUCN World Commission on Protected Areas, in collaboration with the International Ranger Federation, Conservation Allies, Universal Ranger Support Alliance, and IUCN-US, the International Ranger Awards officially recognize rangers and ranger teams who overcome challenges to protect wildlife each year.… Read More

XXIV Portuguese Park Ranger Meeting

Castro Marim and Vila Real de Santo António Marshland Nature Reserve Castro Marim, Portugal

The Portuguese rangers are inviting the international ranger community to their XXIV Portuguese Park Ranger Meeting: The “APGVN Meeting” will include the XVIII Technical Conference under the theme “Biodiversity Without Borders” with the aim of seeking solutions for the balance… Read More

Bundesverband Naturwacht – National Conference 2025

Biosphere Reserve Rhön Hessen Hotelpark Hohenroda, Schwarzengrunder Str. 9a, Hohenroda, Hessen, Germany

The German ranger association "Bundesverband Naturwacht" invites to its 30th national conference in the Rhön Biosphere Reserve.   From 12 to 14 March 2025 on the topic Rangers – Networked in the region Best practice examples from the Rhön Registration… Read More

Save the Date: 6th European Ranger Congress

Resort Cheile Grădiștei, Brașov county, România Brasov County, Romania

We are very pleased to inform you of the provisional date and venue for our 6th European Ranger Congress (ERC) from 6 to 10 October 2025 in Romania, hosted in cooperation with the Romanian Ranger Association and Foundation Conservation Carpathia… Read More