The ERF has a new board of
officers. Because the European Ranger Congress had to be cancelled, we
were forced to carry out the elections of the board and the acceptance
of the work report, the accounts and the discharge of the board by
e-mail. Now the members have voted and we have come to a valid result.
All reports and the discharge of the board were approved without dissenting vote. The following persons were elected:
- Vice President Ian Brooker (UK)
- Cashier Joao Correia (Portugal)
- Secretary Artenisa Peculaj (Albania)
- Project Officer Niki Goeth (Switzerland)
- Training Officer Urs Reif (Germany)
- President Urs Wegmann (Switzerland) was already elected at the World Ranger Congress 2020 in Nepal.
- The two new auditors are Roger Cole (UK) and Britta Schmidt (Germany)
We would like to express the following thanks:
- The former board members Frank Grütz (President and Treasurer), Roger Cole (Vice President), Emmanuel Icardo (Secretary) and Hrafnhildur Ævarsdóttir (Training Officer) for their great work during the last three years
- To the new board members and auditors for their motivation and willingness to commit themselves to the ERF even in these difficult times
- Maia Tsignadze (Georgia), who also stood for election as Training Officer, and with one vote difference was not elected
- The members who have exercised their democratic right with their vote
- The two vote counters Branko Stivic (Croatia) and Bo Storm (Denmark) for ensuring that the elections have been properly conducted
We will present the new EEC in more detail on the website next time and start our work despite the ongoing Corona crisis. We wish all rangers in Europe all the best and stay healthy!