
5th European Ranger Congress: 100 participants, 24 countries, countless new ideas

The 5th European Ranger Congress in Tirana, Albania, ended yesterday after three days rich in expert presentations, fieldtrips, workshops, inspiring talks and countless new ideas on how Europe’s rangers can help conserve biodiversity. About 100 rangers and conservation experts from… Read More

Serbian rangers replace lack of support with strong national and international cooperation

As adviser for nature protection for the Government of Vojvodina in Serbia, Lorand Vigh is closely involved in the management of protected areas of the province, but also in the improvement of status and work efficiency of rangers across the… Read More

Conversation between a ranger and a park visitor

“Recognition of the ranger profession would improve public perception”

Looking back on the pandemic, Yannick Bucher also sees hope for the future of ranger work in Switzerland. As a member of the board of Swiss Rangers, he is confident that the increased attention and appreciation of ranger services can… Read More