How do rangers in Romania manage large predators? How do they involve the local population and prevent conflicts? These were the questions of our recent on-site training in the Romanian Carpathians in cooperation with the Foundation Conservation Carpathia (FCC). Participant and volunteer ranger Jannis Splieth was there and reports here for you.
The feedback on our training “A Yellowstone in the Carpathians: Biodiversity, Large Carnivores & Local Communities in Romania”, conducted on site by the rangers and staff of FCC, was consistently very good to enthusiastic: “I think that this training should be every year in many countries”, was one of the comments of the participants. Some could imagine to learn more about the local bird species, others would have liked to go deeper into the reintroduction of bison and beaver. But on the main topics of large carnivores, reforestation of clear-cut forests to conserve biodiversity and engaging with local communities, there was high to very high satisfaction.

But read for yourself: Jannis reports with much expertise from the training in the Carpathians. And maybe you will join us when we offer it again next year.
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