Our kick-off of the anti-poaching webinar series was a double success: more than 50 participants of 16 countries from Nepal to the USA, from Sweden to Africa attended our first webinar with Israeli INPA ranger Ariel Kedem. This not only brought together rangers around the world on World Ranger Day, but also introduced them to methods of thinking and acting out of the box in the fight against poachers.
If you would also like to learn more about successful anti-poaching approaches, poaching itself and the conflicts behind it, watch our webinar here.
Feel free to use it also for your own anti-poaching courses with rangers you know.
If you have any comments, questions or requests about our webinar, please contact us at press@europeanrangers.org
Hopefully, our cooperation with the Israel Nature & Parks Authority will contribute to significantly fewer rangers dying in the fight against poaching in the future than the sad number reported to the International Ranger Federation this year.
A hope that prompted our president Urs Reif and Ilan Yeger, head of anti poaching at INPA, to produce the webinar. Here is their statement on the link between anti-poaching training and World Ranger Day 2022, recorded before the launch of the webinar on World Ranger Day:

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