When rangers meet rangers: There is probably nothing that pushes ranger work more, both in terms of professional exchange and the mental boost of not being alone in your commitment to nature. In this spirit, Swiss ranger Niki Göth has just met up with his Irish colleague Dermot Breen at his workplace, Connemara National Park, through contacts arranged by the ERF.
A major common theme between the two is the fight against neophytes. In this context, Dermot, who is the only ranger working in the national park, mainly fights rhododendrons, which are overgrowing the moorland and crowding out the native vegetation. Semi-feral goats, which prevent young trees from growing, are also a challenge.

Niki, who used his holiday trip for this exchange and who many in the European ranger network know from his previous work on the ERF Board, also talked to Dermot about the importance of a ranger association and working with junior rangers. The Swiss rangers have a great deal of experience in involving and inspiring the youngest in nature conservation, which they have already passed on to many rangers in our European ranger network through partnerships and reciprocal visits.
“Visit the local rangers when you travel abroad and help the ranger community grow together.”
Niki Göth, Swiss ranger who likes to combine his travels with ranger exchanges
“We would like to encourage all rangers to visit the local rangers when they travel abroad,” says Niki after his visit, speaking on behalf of the two exchange partners. Whether for a short exchange or for several days: Every exchange is important for the global ranger community to continue to grow together, to speak with a strong voice for the cause of nature and for rangers to help each other with knowledge and mental support.
As the European Ranger Federation, we support all forms of exchange. So if you are travelling and would like to get in touch with the rangers there: Please ask us, especially for contacts in Europe. But we are also happy to help internationally via the IRF network! Just get in touch at admin@europeanrangers.org.
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