Today, on day 28 of our World Ranger Day countdown, we are introducing you to a ranger aid that provides support in several ways: by covering the training fees for two Albanian rangers, Swiss ranger Alain allows them not only to take part in our ERF SMART training. They will also meet more than 20 rangers and conservationists from all over the world in North Macedonia.

Thanks to Swiss ranger Alain Chambovey Malzacher, two Albanian rangers will be part of our ERF training for the Spatial Monitoring and Reporting Tool (SMART) to get to know an important digital tool for more safety and efficiency in field work via our training partner SMART Partnership. This also means that they are part of a group of more than 20 rangers and conservationists from all over the world at the training venue in North Macedonia – a great opportunity for exchange and new contacts within the international ranger network!

A big compliment to Alain, who – like the Swiss Ranger Association – makes this happen with his donation. He has long been associated with his Albanian colleagues through the Swiss-Albanian twinning partnership for ERF rangers, as he writes in a statement about his donation:

„I took the opportunity to support a meaningful project for our rangers on the front line. Some rangers have very limited financial resources to attend further training courses. I have made many dear ranger friends through our twinning partnership with Albania. During my stays in this country, I and my family were always warmly welcomed and supported in all matters. We rangers are a family in spirit! If you can, you support each other.“

What an inspiring help story! What is your story about ranger-to-ranger support?