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Training Rangers

Every Ranger must receive adequate training

Numerous rangers work in protected areas throughout Europe and other continents of the world. Rangers work for nature, protecting it and its diversity of species and habitats. As fulfilling as ranger work can be, it is becoming increasingly challenging in the face of multiple global crises, insecure societies and growing pressure to implement nature conservation on the ground. It is thus important that every ranger gets the training and preparations that makes him/her better equipped to take on the ranger work.

ERF advocates equalisation of varying training in Europe

Standard ranger training is an important basis for maintaining and disseminating knowledge and stabilising professionalism within the Ranger class. But ranger training across Europe is diverse and varies greatly between countries. The ERF aims to increase the professionalism of rangers, support the training of rangers and enable rangers to exchange knowledge across borders.

Goals and visions we want to work on with partners are:

  • Establish European Ranger Training Standards
  • Support European ranger associations/countries that do not have formal ranger training
  • Work with the European ranger associations and their requirements for certain/specialised training
  • Establish online ranger training that can be held throughout Europe
  • Construct a scene/forum where rangers can learn from each other (e.g. Ranger exchange and/or workshops)
  • Pre- or post conference workshops around the European Ranger Congress
  • Work with organisations and companies that hire rangers to coordinate ranger training
  • Establish refresher training for rangers

Your ideas are wanted

The ERF is focussing on on site training, accompanied by online offers to connect to further develop the ranger profession. Do you have ideas for further training or would you like to organise one? We are looking forward to hearing from you!


Romanian ranger training: conservation requires support of locals

Romanian ranger training: conservation requires support of locals

Nowhere else in Europe can you learn as much about the coexistence of humans and wildlife as in Romania: No…

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“Involving locals in the Ranger team is key to successful rewilding”

“Involving locals in the Ranger team is key to successful rewilding”

As one of the trainers for our rewilding and conflict management training in Romania last March, Catalin Josan passed on…

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Learning at eye level: Romanian rangers share rewilding and conflict resolution experience

Learning at eye level: Romanian rangers share rewilding and conflict resolution experience

Behind the rangers from a dozen European countries lie three days full of insights into how the rangers from the…

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Join our ranger training on Rewilding & Human-Wildlife Conflicts!

Join our ranger training on Rewilding & Human-Wildlife Conflicts!

The conservation policy goal of expanding protected areas and rewilding projects have consequences for local residents. As rangers work on…

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K9 training shows practical use of dogs in ranger work

K9 training shows practical use of dogs in ranger work

We have just carried out our first international K9 Training in cooperation with the Special Canine Group (GEK9) of the…

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ERF Image & Fundraising workshop: Making society understand its need for rangers

ERF Image & Fundraising workshop: Making society understand its need for rangers

Last week 20 rangers of 13 European countries met in Dartmoor National Park, UK, for our Image & Fundraising Workshop.…

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